such a small word
but means so much
fear that is applied so close you can touch
memories that will forever haunt you
following close behind
scared to pursue
they either devour or push you
fighting the demons
scared to say the wrong thing
fighting the dreadful torture
following your fling
it is okay to be different
you don't have to fit in
we all have our secrets
and it's not always a sin
to love or to be loved
by the one you choose
incapable of conforming
to be loved by you
you are not god
you don't make the rules
i am my own person
does that concern you?
i chose to take a bite out of my past
move on
prove that it'll last
i am okay
and i am not what has happened to me
i am more
not only scarred and broken
but stronger than before
unapoligetically me
and most importantly
i'm free