abstract interactions
I consume pages carnivorously, capricious cast away
thoughts of tectonic plates, shifting tangents
amaretto on the lips of an American tourist
I could get lost in the library, elaborate array
of books set out for no other reason but for my fingers to play,
my optic nerves devour every centimeter of inscription
every word sinking into my synapses, it tends to illicit intense
satisfaction, brightening me up, chipper as a blue jay
I gulp the written word, beautifully arranged on display
visually satisfying and intellectually stimulating,
escape to far off realities, distant from real life's fallacies
I'm a book worm in every sense of the cliché
intricate instillation of wisdom, parallels to portray
on a full page of perfection, bits of language
shaped aesthetically into constellations
some more highly wrought than the milky way