
Space, where weather doesn’t exist. 

I see nothing, I feel nothing, I fear everything. 

The silence screams in my ear. 

A feeling of emptiness itches my skin. 

I’m alone, just me and the billions of stars.

Just me and my own leaping heart.


A piece of plexi-glass between me and certain death.

If something were to go wrong, no one could save me from this nightmare. The air is nothing, I feel nothing. 

Just me in a bubble of material separating me and the end. 

Out here no one can hear my screams. 


Detached from life itself,.. out here daylight doesn’t subsist.

Waiting for its next victim, it waits. 

Clinging for life, I fear I’m next. 

Alone and afraid in this dark abyss we call outer space. 

The second my flesh was to touch this unforgiving land.

Oxygen isn’t within my reach.


This poem is about: 
Our world
Guide that inspired this poem: 



This poem is very figurative. Take it as you will.

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