ABC's Of Society
Absolute awareness and affirmational appending.
Bellow blows below belt constantly condescending.
Defending defenseless defamation. Dominantly demised.
Everlasting eyes epitomise fake frontful goodbyes.
Hello, honey. Heartbroken hero hurt horribly.
Ignorant ignorance ignites inquiries.
Justified kids killings knowledgeably.
Lessons learned let loose, men murder? Mere misogyny.
Moments made misery nearly narcissistic nuisance.
Open opportunities of organized oppression provided proudly proven prudence.
Qualitative qat restricting remembering rendition.
Subtle students stigmatized sociopathic slander.
Treated terribly trolling the top unequivocally unmannered.
Visiting vicious vendetta while wasting warrant work.
X-ray young yield. Zigzag… zerk.
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