(8) Darkness 11/24/23 @ 10:00pm
Snorting away these painful memories.
Contemplating suicide regularly, I’m fed up.
My mental switch is broken, my mind never stops.
I don’t exercise but my thoughts running.
This pain throbs in my head like a heartbeat.
I haven’t slept in days.
I’m going insane with what I’m seeing.
Dark figures whispering in my ear.
My intentions were questionable from the start.
The gates of hell awaits, who will jump first?
Look away, I don’t plan to hold on.
Downwards is the destined path for us all.
No matter how much I try, I ask myself what’s the point?
Hatred agaisnt the concept of my existence.
Only some recognize the painful misery that’s within.
I write what I write to feel free!
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Still they judge me and it’ll never stop.
Never forget there’s two sides to every story.
I’m not a perfect man, nor do I plan to be.
Nowhere to go, am I next on death’s list?
My soul died, my mind’s always gone.
I brought hell onto these souls, leaving inevitable sorrow.
Alcoholic nights ignites false grins.
Learn the hard way or dont learn at all.
Your threats don’t scare the souless.
I’m looked down upon because of this life!
Drunk in the dark once again, plotting schemes.
Midnight strikes once more.
Your skepticism is irrelevant!
Darkness laced throughout my anatomy.
I love nothing when I’m miserable.
In bed, dreading away these shady memories.
I’ve conquered today’s conflict only for more to come.
It’s a neverending story.
The worst things happen in the dark.
Fuck a man made spirit and a closed minded fool!
I am the supermatural power to my destiny.
I only fear my vengeance.
Incompatible with any soul under the light.
Darkness beneath the surface.
Scandalous souls breaking into cars.
Forced to live but I’m living it anyway.
Fuck your expectations & your verbal expressions!
Since I choose not to be a slave to any god(s)
They tried to take my right to life.
This isn’t the penitentiary, therefore I am my own man.
In my lair, happiness ignites upon request.
Part of my mom died inside when she found out I turned my back.
The situation didn’t take much effect.
It was nothing more than an increased dose of numbness.
Under her roof with a broken lightbulb.
Nothing but darkness all around us.
There will never be any source of light in our lives.
I’ll always be satisfied living in the dark & under the moon.
I am the night owl lurking in the darkness.