4 Letter Word
That long 4 letter word
But why do I only see pain in them
An even longer 4 letter word
I'm grateful for life and the breaths that I take everyday
But its like this world....the earth that I live on....it's too full!
Overflowing with hurt & pain and more and more people are finding their way out
Leaving this LIFE ....this long 4 letter word, I go through every day, every hour, every minute, and every second
Sometimes I get tired and I silently cry
No one can see this side of me, who goes through this pain night after night
The side of me who have thinking sessions, when i'm alone and lost at the same time
Emotions...Feelings.... those words were given an adjective of simpy, a SIMP
A Simp?
So it feels as if i'm the only one with emotions?
The world is hidden, too much of everyone are keeping secrets
Secrets from others and secrets from themselves
Not wanting to realize the truth
When you are able to finally open your eyes , that were so blinded before
Oh how i hate you but appreciate you at the same time
Ha! That word has been what i've been fallin' back on for years
It seems that "confused" is just a every day, natural thing for me
I WANT so much , but I'm only given what I need
I'm confused, God why won't you help me!!
Is that what I need?
I'm screaming it
Can't you hear me?
Of course not, no one can
Their ears are closed to whats in front of them, and opened to whats around them
Yea that word, that big invincible word I see hovering over me
Pain is what I feel but strength is what I was given to carry on
Yes I cry , we all cry but you know the difference between my cry and your cry
My eyes are closed
Because they've realized things that is better left unseen
Night after Night, Day after Day, Hour after Hour, Minute after Minute, Second after Second
Is this LIFE?