The 3 Year Mark
This dude I met a few weeks ago
mentioned to me the 3 year mark.
Not sure what the fuck he meant by that
He seemed daunted
But the certainty of his tone got to me
"You know....The 3 year mark?"
When you can tell if you're going to be with this person forever
and get married, or leave.
Because year 1 is just the honeymoon phase
year 2 is getting to know the person
and year 3 is understanding if you can live with them or not
three years....
Because 2 weeks isnt enough
a year isnt enough
3 years and who are you kidding?
No one.
Three years, I could have graduated by now
Three years, I'd make bank and travel the world...
Forget being conventional and living a 9-5 schedule
and getting married and having kids, no fuck that
Three years and I could say I made it...
3 years and I could raise my head above my knees
and look my parents in the eye and say, I told you so.