26-lined poem from A-Z
Animals are all around us
Bees buzz from flower to flower
Cows roam the fields
Ducks travel throughout the ponds
Elephants walk the savannah
Frogs eat flies left and right
Goats hike the mountains
Horses gallop the fields
Iguana stay hidden in the bushes
Jaguars stalk their prey
Kangaroo hop the lands
Lemurs travel through the trees
Mouses seek cheese
Nighthawk fly high in the sky
Owls sleep the days
Porcupines uses quill as defence
Quail roams the grounds
Racoons search for food within cities
Snakes slithers for critters
Tarantulas crawls giving fear to humans
Unicorns appear in little kids dream
Vultures consume leftovers
Whales peacefully swim in the ocean
Xenons fly in the rainforests
Yaks are mistaken by cows
Zebras run the fields