This too shall pass. And soon tomorrow itself will be shrouded in nostalgia. When the tassels become momentos, the memories will maintain our sanity. We, the youth who elude age, will remain forever, immortalized on cotton t-shirts and internets, screaming lyrics that speak to us and "Forever Young" from atop heels we taught ourselves to walk in, beside homies and lovers and friends and nemeses who all blend on this one day to form the collective we all so crave. Fear not tomorrow, for it and today will eventually interchange and become one in the same. Time is unforgiving and relentless, and kneels before none, regardless of immortality or Instagram followers. Live as if it is outlawed, feel as if the drugs didn't exist, and think. Because if not for thought, you would not exist, and thought in conjunction with action are the key to being. welcome to the beginning.


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