2 Breathe Freely I will ...............
solutions dropped at your door,
again and a gain,
Not 2 even the score,
Only 2 encourage obedience to Caesars Law,
Bullish words doth I receive incline,
I share my eyes n heart to the higher hills,
2 Breathe Freely I will.........................,
Make the sacrifice in the name of Right,
Knock doors with sights n insights of visionary actions,
A risk is satisfaction n priceless peace of mind,
As Leaves will descend 2 pay present Bills,
2 Breathe Freely I will.............,
With patience this new dormant zest rises,
After so many reminders of go for its,
A clash of wits as its time to reach for it,
Amidst all the pondering is slowly becoming Visible action,
A risk is satisfaction n priceless peace of mind,
As I share my eyes to the higher hills,
2 Breathe Freely I will....................................