13 Ways of Looking at a Scar
Baking cookies on cold mornings A mean word
Hot pans leave burn scars No scar is seen
But it is there
Tag on a suburban sidewalk
Trips and falls skin knees A tattoo
Scars form Is the scar any different?
Chopping carrots on a cutting board What is left after bug bites heal?
Sliced fingers If you scratched
Sliver scars remain There is a scar
A fight on a playground In the cold
4 stiches for a month Scars show through
A scar remains forever
Hair no longer grows
Braces come off Because there is a scar
But your mouth
Has scars forever Surgery repairs damage
But leaves a scar
Thumbs over soft skin
A bump, a scar When I am gone from the world
I hope to leave a scar