Colors of pink and blue towering over ripped off toys that make hearts melt like summer nightsThe smell of butter and hope lif red the cool air like his cologne on your sweaterLights that twinckle like Christmas in July making smiles and memories And the rocking of these swings makes you feel like flying With the lightness in your stomach from the drop and holding his hand Going round and round as if this carousel could defeat gravity Bc he's sweeter than cotton candy and candy apples are less sticky with his flirty smilingWhen heights don't feel as scary bc of clammy hand holding And you know, you're both nervousWhen everything seems so small from the top of the Ferris wheelAnd his funnel cake lips remind you of what it's like to be 12 years old againI want to be 12 years old forever Where twists and turns make you throw up I like you's and the carnival makes the best first datesWalking through the mirror maze to see what it'll be like to get lost together And bumper cars can represent what it'll be like when we don't agree and crash into each other Because we will fight. And times will be sour like green snow conesYet sweet like the sunset I just want to be reminded of what it's like to be 12 years old With first pimples and first kisses and first fariswheel rides with a boyI want countless smiles And an endless supply of cotton candyAnd from the top of the ferriswheel...I want our first kiss to be not so ordinaryJust sweet and gentle with giggles and gum drop sweetness Innocence spread with each peck And the twirling of fingers      


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