When I saw my dad cry I was lost, the male role model who held back tears when nothing would hold back for him. Who looked challenges in the eye and smiled. Yet when we received the news that mi abuelita had fallen and fractured some bones he fell in despair. Thinkingto himself, what if she doesn't make it. The feeling of losing a mother is one thing, but not being there for her is another. After not seeing his mother for over 10 years, we all felt lost. When I saw my dad cry I cried too, not because I feared death around me. But the feeling of being inches away from a man and seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything is a disgusting misery of life, and then I thought how it must feel to be 2,000 miles away from the person who raised you. I cry for all the people who left their country's to make a better life for themselves and their family, but forgot half of them behind.