➩ Non-Hyun opponent ⏎☗OPTODAY3.COM ☗⏎ Choi candidate is appointed as the first chief audit commissioner when he / she takes over the audit committee after a confirmation and confirmation vote of the National Assembly. Ridiculously Razu Yadon # Awkward nig
➩ Non-Hyun opponent ⏎☗OPTODAY3.COM ☗⏎ Choi candidate is appointed as the first chief audit commissioner when he / she takes over the audit committee after a confirmation and confirmation vote of the National Assembly. Ridiculously Razu Yadon # Awkward night # A night out # A night Yoon Yeong-chan, the chief of the National Security Agency, announced that he had announced that he had nominated Choi as a candidate for the Auditor's General with a briefing at Choongchuan on the day. # The night of the night
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My community