“Conditioned“ ... A Poem written By Big Virge 26/5/2020
It Seems That MANY Are Living With... “Limited Vision”... !!!
Cos’ They’ve Fallen Victim To Being Those Willing...
To Being... “IMPRISONED”... !!!
In What Is Now Known As YES Being... “CONDITIONED”... !!!
A Condition Where DEEP Thinking Is Treated As If You’re Needing A Prison... !?!
Because SOCIETY Has Enforced The Theme...
That... Speaking FREELY If You’re NOT From Their Breed...
Could Well Be Seen As A Criminal Breach of Conditions of Speech...
That They’ve Said Cannot Be Expressed In The World... PUBLICLY... !!!
The Minds of Many Because of Loads HEAVY... !!!
That Many Now Carry Inside of Their Minds...
Because of Their Lives That Are Being Downsized...
Pretty Much ALL The Time By Government Lies... !!!!
So It’s Those Who Are WISE Who DON’T Ignore The Signs... !!!
Who Have Now Realised That Societal Vibes DON'T Treat People Right... !!!
If They Are The Type To REJECT Conditions That BLINKER Their Vision...
So That They Walk Blind Into What I Define As Being... “CONDITIONED”...
Which Essentially Makes...
Adults Behave Like Children With... “Limited Thinking”... !!!
So That They Can Be MADE To BELIEVE What They SAY About Their... “ Campaigns “...
To Do Things Like CHANGE How The World Is Today... !!!!!
But That’s NOT What They Do These... Government TOOLS... !!!
They Condition To FOOL And Keep People Confused...
Like Fish In A Pool of Sharks That Are HUNGRY For MORE Than Their Money... !!!
Cos’ Conditioning Feeds Like Their GREEDY Teams... !!!
Whose MANIPULATIONS Have Affected World Nations Through Colonisation... !!!
Do You Get What I’m Saying... ?
Cos’ Now WORLD DOMINATION Is Their NEW Mission Statement... !!!
But THIS TIME It’s BLATANT... “ Observe Social Spacing “... !?!
Is What Their Relating Because of What’s Waiting...
A Virus That’s Taking LARGE Numbers of Lives... !!!
Are They MANIPULATING And Telling Folks LIES... ?!?
There’s A Truth That’s Disguised...
That’s Hidden From Eyes I THINK You May Find... ?!?
When Political Guys Can Just Compromise Lives...
Cos’ They Will NOT Abide Their OWN Safety Guidelines... !!!
Manipulation For Them... Isn’t Quite Like The Rest... !?!
Cos’ All This Upheaval Is WEAKENING People... !!!
While THEY MOVE ILLEGAL Because They’re DECEITFUL... !!!
And REFUSE CONDITIONS To... How They Be Living... !!!
And This ISN’T... Pulp Fiction... !!!!!
Because Politicians Seem To Need Supervision... !!!
Because Their Dismissing Advice That They’re Giving... ?!?
To... Millions And MILLIONS Who Are Being... “CONDITIONED”... !!!
Like Wearing A Mask Just To Do Daily Tasks...
Are They Having A Laugh Whilst 5G Marks A Path... ?!?
For Tech MANIPULATION Like That In NUCLEAR Stations... !!!!!!
The FALL OUT AIN’T Waiting... Conditions Now VACANT In MANY Locations... !!!
So Who’ll Become Patients And Take Vaccinations... ?
Because of Conditions RESTRICTING Their Thinking... ???
A TERRIBLE End That Leaves Thinking For DEAD... !!!
Well THIS Is A POEM For Heads Who Transgress...
Laws Set By NEW TRENDS About... Keeping Distance... !!!
Because Government Heads...
Seem To Clearly CARE LESS About What They Present...
Cos’ They’re Basically Feds' Causing People PROBLEMS... !!!
That Keep Placing RESTRICTIONS On How We’re Now Living... !!!
So These Words Are Linking Back To The Beginning...
If You Choose To Position Yourself To THEIR Mission of... “Limiting Thinking”...
Then You Have An AFFLICTION That You Should Be ........ DISMISSING ....... !!!
BEFORE You Fall VICTIM To Being...
............................. “CONDITIONED” ..................... !!!