that’s just show biz, baby
The opening credits have begun to roll
So I, as the star of the show, must be ready to perform
The studio’s main concern is my appearance
Because apparently, we as a society haven’t learned from the tragedies of Karen Carpenter and Heidi Guenther
We grieve and give our condolences to the families, then turn around and tell our children that
Skinny is pretty
The majority of my freshman year, I pushed away plates of food and told myself that line I had heard from such a young age
It’s everywhere, from the weight loss shake bottles to the magazines in the grocery store aisle
And as I get older, it follows me
It follows me to my phone, to my screen
Where I am bombarded with recommendations to skip meals and images of skeletal women
I live in constant fear of gaining ten pounds, so I take to video workouts, where the comment section tells me again
Skinny is pretty
And that is what everyone will tell me when I wear my swimsuit
On the red carpet, lights flash in mine and dozens of other girls faces as we are critiqued from head to toe
Always looking our best, always well dressed
Despite the concern in my grandmother’s face as I refuse a piece of candy
I don’t feel too bad, though, because she pulls at her own stomach and considers fasting
I nearly laugh
That’s what I called it too
People like skinny
Skinny is pretty, right?
So, skinny pretty girls get boyfriends,
Those skinny pretty girls have lots of loving friends
Society dotes on these skinny pretty girls
And the ratings go up and up and up
I am on top of the world, my high will never fall
Yet, at times, I am aware of the cruelty of it all
Of the pain, the suffering, the mistreatment that finally seems equally spread between the genders
So, as the scene draws to a close, I will whisper
There is not a perfect body
No one hears me, and the end credits are beginning to roll, so I will scream from the bottom of my empty chest
There is not a perfect body
The screen fades to black, my time has run up
All I can hope is that we can stop preaching the lie that is
Skinny is pretty
They are not one and the same.