In the world



In the world of education

Sometimes there’s no imagination

No time to play or explore

No time to let things sink in

And going to your locker during class is a sin

But yet, the teachers still expect more.



In the world of education

We teachers lay the foundation

For our youth to be all they can be

We do everything we can

We pretend “It’s all in the plan”

And hope every student can see the “great-in-them” that we see



In the world of education

I wish there were more motivation

A want to discover and achieve

Where teachers depend on creativity

And students find relativity

All we need to do is to believe




I wish I understood

Why it takes so much time

To give to students what they need

Because some students need more to succeed

Yet, the “system” has no sense of speed

No matter how long the teachers plead

Sometimes it may take years to proceed

That’s not fair for our students, indeed.



In the world of education

There’s always more expectations

For teachers to move mountains and valleys

But the reality is

They’ll only look at a student’s test or quiz

And can’t see the true growth in our kids



In the world of education

We need more dedication

Both students and the teachers

Our community should be strong

And we all can get along

Where we all find strength in our features



In the world of education

There’s so much gratification

With success and joy and laughter

Each student makes a difference

And they leave their footprints

While we hope they’ll have dreams to run after


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