Blind Folded

Wed, 11/09/2011 - 22:10 -- ppadmin


United States
40° 49' 7.4604" N, 73° 55' 37.7904" W

Seeking the easy way out
has given me nothing but hard times and hard lines to put in my poems
sadly these hard rhymes don’t mean shit to no one but me because
even though these hard lines are flowing from me
the world doesn’t listen to failures
I want to shed my skin so that I could become a man
but this cocoon doesn’t have any exit signs
I’m neglecting my transcendence from hood to sky to stars.



"The world doesn't listen to failures"--wise words, and unfortunately true; failure is often an opportunity to try again, only with additional knowledge on what not to do. There's a lot of honesty and earnestness here, and it makes the poem all the stronger for it. Keep it up.