I AM- By Zuri Page #YOWO: You Only Write Once

I am a strong Arfican American, and I speak for us all.

I wonder what college I will attend, and if I will be able to afford it.

I hear my mother encouraging me to do well in school, so that there is success in my future.

I see myself being an inspiration; an idol to the youth of the future.

I want to make a difference to the people of my community by changing lives, or the way people think.

I am a strong African Anerican, and I speak for us all.


I pretend be happy, even when I am down.

I feel confident in my actions and decisions, so I am cofident in myself.

I need a shoulder to cry on when I am upset. Preferably someone who loves and cares about me.

I worry about my future everyday: college, scholarships, grades, football, loved ones, senior year, etc.

I cry when I feel like giving up. Inspite, I strive to go on.

I am a strong African American, and I speak for us all.


I understand that life is too short, and I should live it strong and well.

I believe in my Holy Savior Jesus Christ.

I dream about being someone great in life, and creating a positive name for myself.

I try to remain humble; achieve good grades; and attain a good attitude and spirit.

I hope to go to heaven once I die, and for my children to be even greater than I.

I am a strong African American, and I speak for us all.










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