Where are the tools.

We go to school, and what do we learn ? Certainly not the tools needed for after school. You hand me a worksheet and barely explain I ask for help  , teachers sit and complain. Read the directions ! I've done it 5 times, this is your job, why do you whine!? We teach ourselves why're you here ? I use my friends, my comrades, my possy , my crew. If we teach our selves why do we need you ? Teach me the tools , for me to use after school. I wanna know about taxes, And car insurance, I wanna know about drugs and the reason people use them. How do we get jobs ? What should we do ? You are  my teacher, why are we teaching you ? Let me learn the things that interest me, why do you teach me the Pythagorean theorem when again wilI use that equation , teach me the tools to be persuasive. Teach me to speak in a comfortable matter. Not stand in front of the class while they sit and chatter. Why do you teach me languages that I won't again use. Teach me something ill use outside of school. Like how do we use a bank card, how do I write a check, what's the point of paying for college. If education is so important why do we pay ?  "The best things in life are free". Isn't that what we say? I want to know more, about life after school.  I'm more than just a grade, a number, a test. I am a Gardner , the world is my garden. Give me the tools.


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