The City Man
Peeved delivery truck drivers
Honk and beep at each other
About the nightmares of rush hour
Over the harsh babble of cars
Empty beer bottles crack
And shatter across the gravel and cement
The thuds of fist fights break out
In the distance
A hungry baby moans and cries
Starving for life
Gun shots are fired
A reminder that no one is safe
The chilly air swooshes down a lonesome alley
Hurling brown and blue plastic bags in every direction
Hitting and crinkling
Against a flimsy cardboard home
Like hope
An old man drags his heavy boots and brittle body
Clomping to the edge of the street
Pennies clinking in an empty tin can
Leaning on his hollow cane
His raspy voice begs
But no one listens
I look into his distant eyes
That plead and cry out for mercy
His life is spent
Though he never owned a dime