For some of us it is a punishment;
Others consider it the most precious present;
However, only we know on the inside
How we really want it to be,
and if we do not want to make the most of it,
Our soul would cry for us.
Our heart lights in excitement when
We achieve one of our goals, and it weeps
When we do not have enough courage to try,
But this is just a part of life,
Achievements and failures.
Sometimes it is as hard as silver
To get through a situation, and
Sometimes the solution is as clear as water
That flows in a waterfall
But this is what life is about,
Learning to be strong…
Would everybody succeed?,
The answer for this question is in each of us,
It all depends in how we think and how we act
And we should not forget to always do
What is best for us, this is life
Values and manners.
God almighty and our father
Is happy when we pick the right choice
And we go through the good path.
When we act right, the sky is a celestial party
All the angels sing and laugh
For some of us it is a punishment;
Others consider it the most precious present;
But no matter how hard it is
We should enjoy what
Life has prepared for us.