my grandpa carried a gun in a hip holster
he thought that was how he kept us safe
but we needed to be protected from him
the bruises he left on my grandmother
the trauma my mother lives with
he got mad when restaurants didnt let him in with his gun
that scared me
it scared me when he yelled at grandmother
he thought she was never right
the rightest thing she ever did was leave him
and his gun
he had a whole closet full of them
hunting rifles hand guns etc
we had to deal with them when he was kicked out
i didnt want to
i didnt want to even think about my ex grandfathers guns
much less see them
what if he had hurt us with those guns
the gun that belonged in a holster
i wish it had been destroyed instead
not chosen over family
because a gun in a holster does the user no good
it just puffs him up
and scares those who tried to love him