Scene of the Crime
Someone has died
Something inside of me knows
And is grieving their death already
But what did they die from?
I know it wasn't natural,
But a murder
And now I want to investigate
Trace my steps
Back to when they were once breathing
Before they were chopped off with an axe
Like a tree for the lumber
They were sacrificed before the gods
Burned in the fire
With their blood poored out before them
The pictures I've taken at the crime scene
The evidence I've placed in the bags
And bindles
The body in the bag
Although it will never move again
It still speaks to me
Calls my name
Tries to tell me who did it
But I can't make out the words
The spirit is saying
It shows me an orb
Puts me in a trance
Takes me back
To the scene
Moments before the tragic fate
Of the brutal crime
When they were young
Making plans for the night
Getting ready for a party
Before they were taken
Dragged to the depths of the grave
As they are hacked like a beast
With the merciless axe
I yearn for the body
To come back to life
Because I can't accept
A life so young,
Could create a death so long
I want to rest
But I haven't reached heaven yet
I'm still in purgatory
Waiting for the fire to be put out
But knowing the body
Might want to go home
And knowing the spirit
Might want to travel further
I decide to bury it underground
As the people crowd around
And I confront the casket
The casket seems to stare at me intensely,
Warning me,
As behind me I feel
The axe murderer creeping up behind me
Haunting me,
Waiting for me to become their fox
And be caught in the foot trap
And captured in the net
Before he feasts on me