

I think you've stolen her heart. If only she could take it back. Do you even know what you've done to her? She'll sneak a glance at you ever so innocently, waiting for that moment your eyes meet. It makes her smile but you pull away too quickly. In the halls she looks for your face: she knows where you are, but you never look down so you don't know that she's there. The call of your name makes her heart skip a beat, and the sound of your voice strikes a longing to respond, but when she's around you she feels so nervous so she doesn't know what to say. You don't say anything to her anyway. Everyday I see her looking up at you. She thinks so much of you but you wouldn't know: she never got to tell you. The things she did tell you seem to be buried under the surface, and while she almost bursts from it all, she wonders if you even remember her saying those things. It kills her inside to know she's told you. And you act like it never happened. She tells me you hurt her so much and I bet you don't even know. She doesn't care because you understand her and she's still hoping things will change. Until it sinks it, she'll fake how she feels. She'll pretend you're the worst but she knows your the best and nothing compares to you. She's the greatest actor I've ever seen but as she puts the pieces in motion and as I watch the play unfold, I know she's not very good. It's crazy to think you'd ever care, but the feelings she has still linger there. I think she loves you. If you looked into her eyes, you'd know.
