I want a boyfriend

Tue, 09/17/2024 - 23:45 -- p0et8

I want a boyfriend 

I see all these cute couples 

Wondering if they are connected emotionaly 

Is it all just a show? 

Do they really love eachother 

or are they just using one another


I want a boyfriend 

not the type who wants my clothes off

the type to build lego flowers with me 

watch barbie and give massages 

the type of boyfriend to send me sunset pictures 


I want the kind of boyfriend to cook with me

love my faults for what they are 

not what they should be 

the kind of boyfriend that people write about 

is that too much of an ask? 

are those boys really only made up in fairy tales


I dont want the type of boy who 

whistles as i walk by

pushes past my boundaries

or winks at me in that certain way 

I dont want the type of boy 

to only see my body 

he needs to see

my brain




first and ove them at face vaule 


I want a boyfriend but 

he dosent seem to exist

I fear that my ask 

is more than a small task



I could be that boyfriend, visit me

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