
My heart bleeds,
No blood seen,
Everyone flees,
Except a teen.

She said no!
Pain is inside,
Nobody knows,
Where it resides.

My tear drops,
She minds not,
Again love flops,
Am I going nuts?

She pitied me,
Still without love,
Her heart is mean,
The shame is 'nough!

She turned away,
That pained more,
So, still not swayed,
My heart mourns.

Her silhouette fades,
She isn't coming back,
Left in the shade,
Alone in the dark.

Only voices of birds,
On the trees,
People already on bed,
Alone with the breeze!

Then a noise nearby,
She finally appears,
Maybe to wave a bye,
To a brief affair.

She came very close,
My legs tremble,
I felt her nose,
My lips crumble!

Her kiss was brief,
Then I woke up,
The dream is a grief,
My tears filled a cup.

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: 


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