When all you did was please 

For acceptance and ease 

And the moment you stop 

Because it’s not what you want 

In her eyes, you’re not good enough 


When you grow up, but never grew thin 

It made her spiteful because she felt it within 

You’re not like Lucy from down the street,

pencil thin and willing not to eat 

A model she could be, alas not you 

Your way too fat so unfortunately 

You’re just not good enough 


When you bring home your beau

The one you know 

She tuts when she looks

for he wears no suit and surmises 

no intellect does he hold and he looks very old

he’s just not good enough darling for me. 


You choose to stick with your heart

and your love grows

while you and she come apart 


Loving you becomes irrelevant 

As she becomes cold, full of hate 

Telling tales making your heart ache 


An old woman she be 

Her, opinions rigid and bent 

You’re all spent and your left feeling 

Well, not good enough .

This poem is about: 
My family
Our world


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