Break Free

Why must we question the bodies we were born with?
Why are we forced to change who we are?
We look at ourselves in our mirrors,
and only see flaws, defects, and scars.
Magazines tell us how our clothes, hair, and bodies are to be,
“Sit us straight, fix your hair, be a size two.”
Everyone tells us to be happy with who we are,
but they don't see what we go through.
We put ourselves through hours of torture every day,
Just to be judged and rejected by everyone we see.
They may not really be that critical,
but that doesn't mean that isn't how we feel.
People tell us to make peace with our bodies,
but we still try to look like a "perfect person".
A few may try and convince us we are beautiful,
but sometimes the wounds open and worsen.
Hours are spent trying to "fix" what is wrong,
Muscles toned, lashes curled, legs shaved.
Amazing, independent, and exceptional individuals are unwanted,
While the skinny, shameless, and fictional people are craved.
If we don’t meet all society's requirements,
We aren’t deemed beautiful and we don’t fit in.
We try to embrace who we are in secret,
because to do so in public is a sin.
The people we are envious of don’t exist,
And the ideal body image isn’t even real.
But the wounds we receive from the mean words and looks,
take eons to fully mend and heal.
It is heartbreaking to see how many children develop eating disorders,
Just to be acknowledged by others as "pretty".
Why won't we stand up for ourselves,
and finally try to break free?


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