Hey Little Black Boy

Hey little black boy I'm sorry, that the world has treated you this way. That they chewed you up and spit you out and left you astray. That they told you to be strong and show no emotion but when you did it was seen as weak and turned them off. That just by the color of your skin you are seen as dangerous or treacherous when all you wanted to do was heal your innocence. That when you were born into this world as the little black boy your expectations were already low because of other kids' choices. That when you walk outside you better dress right because God forbid the police are watching. That the black lives matter movement has been happening for years so that we could have our rights to social justice. So Hey little black boy, I am so sorry that you were born into this world where you can’t do as you please because of white people's opinions. And I'm sorry if I offend anyone when I say this but I will because for years we’ve had to stay silent. So that little black boy who’s watching speak up and shout it BLACK LIVES MATTER because there’s no need to be quiet.

This poem is about: 
My community
Our world


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