This or That

This or That. 
How do you take that phrase? 
This dress or that one? 
Eat in or out? 
Mostly easy choices 
Easy answers 
Sometimes difficult
But it doesn't matter
It's not deep

We're taught to love but at the same time hide what makes us special
To say 'I wanna be like her'
Not, 'I wanna be me'
A world where if you fight, you're a thug.
If you don't you're a punk. 
A world where if I cry I'm weak. 
If you don't you're emotionless and uptight
Too much makeup makes you insecure
But none makes you ill
Dressing up makes you a tryhard
Not making enough effort makes you lazy
Good Grades make you a nerd and a swat.
Fails make you stupid
What Is it world?
Can you tell me?
Perfect is impossible, but you seem to disagree
If I do what you say I'll still somehow be wrong.
Tell me world, what is it?
This or That.
Over and Over again
This or That. 


This poem is about: 
Our world


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