I’ve died a thousand times
But I’ve never found the right way
To leave this life behind
My inability to live
To clutch a life thrusted into my hands
To accept my privilege
Is my fault
People would die to live in my shoes
That's what my mother says
But she seems to forget
That though I was fed with a silver spoon
She neglected to inform me
It was all poisoned
But my mother cannot be blamed
She was given no manual to this life
A baby was thrusted into her world
And she was instructed to
And she did as best she could
But her rage often got the best of her
And when she lost energy in her hands
She began to use her words
Words are just words
But hers were glass
Digging into my skin and
Ridiculing me when I began to
My mother who stood on my legs
And demanded me to
My mother who listened and laughed
My mother who carries more struggle than I have ever thought possible
My mother who never cried
My mother who did her best to love and raise
My mother who will live in my heart
No matter the pain she causes
My heart is polluted
Is what the doctors say
But they don’t know that pollution comes from
my people
My father
With his tired stare and distant gaze
He lived with me all those years
But never once was he there
My father who never learned the right way to love
If there was a way
My darling soft eyed father who was hurt so many times
He could find no way other way to express so
He began to hurt
My father who filled my arms with
Candies and Barbie dolls
To apologize for the bruises
To apologize for his existence
My father is the reason
I can never pull the word
From my lips
But my father is the reason I stand tall
And he is why I’m proud
He gave me the tools to survive
I love my father
But he makes it hard
But though they made it hard
Though they killed me with their words
And strangled me with their disdain for one another
My skin is thicker
And so I suppose I must be grateful
That they have filled my with the idea
That resentment will ruin
I do not know how to live
And I do not know how to die
They have surrounded me with hate
And begged me to love