Goodnight sweet child, close your eyes
Maybe tomorrows shine will treat you kind
Purity won't last when placed in the world
Now lie down and don't flatten your curl
Sweet child with those rosy cheeks
Don't grow tall, you make grow too tall
Don't practice your verbs, you may someday commit them
Don't wish to grow older, some wishes come true
Sweet child, escape to your fairytales where happiness is eternal
Sing songs of love and your lord in heaven
Squeal passionately in utter delight
Weep only of your fallen ice cream cone
Sweet child keep your voice high and your chin smooth
Keep your face sticky and your feet bare
Keep the smile in your eye and the dimples in your cheeks
Don't let it fade away
Close your eyes sweet child, don't run to the world out there
Where words are said that you'd never want to hear
Where hearts are broken with pain you can't fear
Where crimes are committed in ways more than unfair
Where screams echo in utter despair
Where torture is a pass-time and killing a career
Goodnight sweet child, close your eyes
Perserve your innocence with all of your might