
Why cry?
The world turns on relentless
Of a tear, of a broken soul,
And forges onward,
Breaking the barriers of yesterday.
The past shatters.
Tiny fragments of the heart
Splinter into infinity
As each person grasps
At one more day.
Revolution takes
The resolve of a nation
But starts
With each dream
Bridled, broken, to ride
Trotting tamely down a windy path.
To train, to tame, to restrain, to kill;
What difference is there?
The mob
Tramples intuition under feet
Of brass.
Each step, a bruise.
Each step, a scar.
The scale is set:
Liberty and Justice for all
Liberty and Justice for one.
What a lie the herd brays.
There is no balance.
Only the choice
To do.
To cry does nothing
Weakness shines through the pretense of knowledge
Corruption through the gauze of goodness
Violence through the veil of negotiation.
To weigh, to weigh
To cry for a nation
So consumed with ills
To cry for the self
Crushed, fragile self
Soft petals reach skyward
Only to be trampled.
Steel toes, pressed hems,
Cold and unfamiliar
Force reaching arms earthward.
What good comes
A mindless herd meanders
Through slowly blackening fields?
Let each soul speak
Of its own, for its own, to its own.
Let each shattered heart
Return splinters to their place;
No herd can do for the soul
What a soul
Can do for itself.
Within each
Is instilled a seed
It longs to grow, to spread branches
Over lofty mountains,
Let it grow in each
And let each grow in it.


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