
Sat, 09/18/2021 - 20:04 -- unknow3

Let me take you back to 08 

When life wasn’t all that great 

Mom did drugs 

Dad gave us a shrug 


Two different homes 

Always left alone to roam 

Mothers house was worse 

Its like she has a curse 


One where she has to hurt everyone 

The horrible things that can not be undone 

Dad wasn’t always around 

Which made me frown 


He did his best 

And grammie did the rest 

My mother has no thinks in raising me 

Or the other three 


Rather she taught me what not to do 

She let her boyfriend leave me black and blue 

 Drugs mattered more 

She was such a whore 


A striper and exotic dancer 

 She also had cancer 

The money went up her nose 

We were never the ones she chose 


Deep down this hurts 

And leaves my heart in spurts 

On the surface ill never Ley it show 

But its down thee below 


I wish I had a normal home

But I was always alone 

This is no way for a child 

But that why im wild 

This poem is about: 
