
Things I never thought I'd see
The fear of death in a bank tellers eyes
Man stabbed over 10 stamps
Transgenders who like other transgenders and call themselves lesbians
Sirens going off and everyone hitting the floor as I strike another man in the head
Blood soaked through our shirts
Handcuffs applied in careless jerks
Men giving b******* to other men for a few ramen noodle soups
Other things I thought I might never see.......
My mom's face again
Her smile
My brother's laughter
Their arms wrapped around my shoulders
My sister's new son
Named after me nonetheless
My niece in a prom dress
My daughter at the altar
Got it hurts what I've missed

This poem is about: 



Those eyes were my eyes at the bank. You stole time from me for your addiction. I hope you can stay sober this time because nobody deserves to go through what you put us bank tellers through. 

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