Running out of Time
Why do I write?
Why does it matter?
That the hands fly
to keep up with the mind that is faster?
It's a racing mind,
filled with stories and ryhmes
feeling like I'm running out of time,
time to write what is mine.
I write to believe
to believe I am real
I am here, this is me
I think and I feel
and it's too much to bear
to think I'm not here,
to see only there.
Never aware of my present state
I write to eliviate this desperate
mind which confines me to drown
in thoughts that surround me
in beliefs that confound me
I cannot help but feel
I cannot help but write
I fight.
To live, to see, a light at the end.
I strive to defend
this right I've been given.
With 26 letters,
to write out my dreams
In differing schemes.
I'll combine them all
to find the perfect story
to convey all the glory
bound up in this world
given by the one
who created the Word.
It may sound absurd,
but it's there.
It's here.
Like a beat in my chest.
I will try my best,
to convey
to say
to stay
away from the simplest of things.
To reach the world with my words.
To change a heart with a song,
a syllable can right wrongs.
Just give me a pen,
and leave me to be,
and I will write it all out,
a beautiful symphony.