

13710 S. Chadron Ave, Apt # 6
United States

Yes, I'm black and I'm a queen so if you don't like me then you can get to stepping 

and I ain't playing. It's to much going on in the world like people hating on each other

and also killing one another over there skin color.


But, instead we all need to come together and love one another. And teach our 

brothers and sisters about their history because we are all queens and kings. 


So, come on It's been a long time and everybody still putting up a fight why some of

us fighting for our justice and trying to stay out of jail.


But, what you don't know is what happens behind closed doors. So here I go again

and I ain't trying to preach or even pretend like I'm a pastor or the president.


This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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