Locked In A Cage


United States
47° 21' 51.0624" N, 117° 39' 45.0468" W

Locked in a cage
Mental and physical despair
Even she seems to age
Her husband isn’t playing fair
She stays locked up
He goes out
Drinking every cup dry
Leading only to shout
He gets home too late
She knows he goes to someone else
To clear his plate.
She cant do anything else.
She knows whats going on
Yet does not say a word
Just lives her life wishing to be gone
She hates this world
Not able to leave
He is ashamed of her
He will not heave
Her there too here
A couple so lost
So gaged
Worst than most
Locked in a cage


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741