A Race Against Time


United States
37° 45' 19.7676" N, 122° 8' 46.3884" W

200 years held in captivity, branded like cattle, worked like dogs, treated like dirt
The Emancipation Proclamation gave us a false sense of freedom
That illusion was quickly unmasked when Jim Crow came to town
Decades have passed, time has continued, and the wounds of oppression have been forever embedded in the minds of our people
We went from Kings and Queens, to slaves and maids, to drug dealers and prostitutes
Coerced into gang-banging, swayed into drugs, and herded into a cycle of self- deterioration and social corruption
Liberated from plantations and packed into ghettos
Now the future of our people rest in the audience of this generation
Trying to make an army out of confused soldiers fighting a backward war
Trapped in a play called LIFE
Cast as people of the same color, wearing the uniform of another
Fighting to be real men like Pinocchio
While trying to break free from the clutch of Uncle Sam cast as Chappetto
Exiled to a land of poverty, poverty has needs, needs breeds thieves, thieves make war, war brings corpses
These streets have seen more blood than the battlefields of World War I and II
We are in a race Against time
It’s a Race against Time
When the clocks strikes again is it your life or mine?




The African-American struggle is truly one that should never be forgotten for in it lies so many lessons for every future generation about acceptance and equality. It's amazing that you're able to fit such a large message in so few words. This proves your master of, not only your thoughts, but language.

Great poem!

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