Everyday is all we have
Every moment
Every day
This is all we truly have
So be fully present within each moment
Because any moment could be your last
Don’t waste your life
Living in the past
Or worrying or wishing of the future
Because you only have this moment
Many people spend there whole lives
Creating plans for their far future
Or worrying about mistakes in their past
But you only have this present moment
There is no moment more important
Than that of the one
Which you are currently in
Don’t miss your life living not in the now
Because the now is all we truly have
The now is all we will ever have
You change each day and grow
So planning for a far future is pointless
We are meant to continue
To grow and change
throughout Our whole lives
So what I desire could completely change
In a year or even a month
That’s the beauty of life
Everyone’s path is unique
Everyone has different desires
And different dreams
And different passions
And these dreams and passions
Can change with you as you grow
Having one set thing to do
For the rest of your life
Is not truly living
That is like you are trapped in a game
In which you feel unable to leave
Waiting for the end
in which you can have
a one week vacation
Or eventually retire
But this is not being in the now
This is living in the future
These people may waste
there whole life away
When all they had to do
Was be in the present and go inward
Chase their dreams and passions
And truly live
We only have one life
There is no redo
There is no second chance
So do all the things
That you truly desire
Chase your dreams
Chase your passions
Follow your intuition
Do what you feel is right
No matter what anyone says
Because no one knows
what is truly right for you
Better than yourself
So take those risks
Follow your heart
Even though it may be scary
Not following everyone else’s path
You have your own unique path
Your own unique life
That only you can live
Don’t waste your one chance
At this beautiful life