Why Not Me


United States
26° 33' 38.4876" N, 82° 0' 28.8504" W


As my day for graduation is getting so close
I ask what memories matter the most
What have I learned and who do I want to be
What sort of college and for what type of degree?

Helping others is something close to my heart
And making a difference would be a great start
High School has prepared me to give it my all
Face life being positive while standing up tall

Looking back on the four years that went by so fast
Memories fill my head and remind me of Oh what a blast
Teachers and friends and the things we have learned
Going to college is definitely something I’ve earned

I am proud of the person that I have become
Open and honest is my first rule of thumb
Reach for the stars as far as you can see
When it seems impossible, believe why not me?

As you see yourself is how others will perceive you too
Your behavior and actions matter in the things that you do
Hold on to the people who you look up to the most
Families important and you should keep them close

I am hoping and wishing that my dream will come true
Being focused on my future and seeing it through
Full of hope and being confident is now what I see
As I believe in my heart, Why not Me?

Jessica Powell


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