The Moon


United States
46° 35' 33.4284" N, 120° 32' 10.8348" W

We look in amazement at the Moon and Stars and ask our selves
How can they live and abide with each others beauty
Above us in all there beauty it drives us crazy to go out further into space to try and find more beauty.
The moon so high up in the sky lights our way and gives us something to look at when we feel so lonely
Like the cherry blossom tree has us going crazy when it’s pettles start falling,
And remind us of how the moon is free and makes us run into depression.
We stare up at the moon as it slowly drifts away with all its beauty and glory
And yet we live like it’s another object instead if becoming the wings of our tears.
How can we sleep knowing that it’s going to be gone soon and we won’t have something to guide us on Our journey how our we supposed to live with nothing to remind us why we keep living .
Why can’t we just stay in this sweet surrender around us?
We don’t want to miss the dream we live in having the moon so close
Even when we are dreaming of the moon we still can’t grasp the reality.
The moon drives us crazy and yet makes us sad at the same time knowing what could happen
And yet we won’t be able to comprehend when it happens
But we still want to be up up on the moon
Because we want to feel as if we belong unlike like when we are on the ground
We want to be that person on the moon


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