Queen Bee
The passion and excitement surround me like bees surround flowers when searching for nectar
Id like to consider myself a bee and the sweet taste of success as my nectar
One taste of success leaves me craving more and more
I feel it is necessary and in my nature to be inspired and to be successful
Just as it is for a bee to naturally want to create honey from the nectar it obtains
Consider the nectar an essential to success , now consider the process of creating honey as your journey to becoming successful
In this instance, Id consider myself Queen Bee
I control what way I obtain nectar and what process I use to create honey
Just as in my career, I hope to control my actions and create a career and path for myself using my actions and the foundation Ive built
Nectar being the foundation, honey being the end result, and me being in control of the whole process.
Consider me Queen Bee of my own beehive .