history history
They say one of the most scariest things,
Is when people have to find themselves at the bottom of a bottle
To know who they are.
Well why do we do that?
History explains celebrations with alcohol...
History explains wine being drank with every meal.
History said those crazy vikings and pirates were happier with those bottles.
History left out the part where that bottle killed your guard you put up.
The part where you open your mind and are reminded of every fail In your life.
History didn't tell you that you'd be sad after you're two or three bottles in.
They forgot to mention all those tears you're about to cry.
See those books leave out a lot.
I'd like to know what happened to my crazy drunk ancestors, cause I know drinking wasn't always a fun time for them.
Maybe they just wanted to be remembered as happy people but deep down were struggling with their own demons like me.
History repeats itself..but I ain't gonna find myself at the bottom of a bottle.