Search ...

1 Kings 19:11-12 

11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord. Look, the Lord is ready to pass by.”

A very powerful wind went before the Lord, digging into the mountain and causing landslides, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the windstorm, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire, there was a soft whisper.





My spirit, where are you ... why do I hide from you?

I have walls of noise in motion ... so I won’t hear your voice.

My will, my mind and emotion ... are shielding me from you.

Oh! If I was a child again ... I would not make this choice.


I would accept you wholly ... and have no second thoughts.

Life would not be complicated ... and by itself would bloom.

But I had to grow up so quickly ... remember I could not wait

and look at me now polluted ... molded by my doom?


It is stated: “To go to Heaven ... you have to be like a little child”

but like the fool I am ... I thought it to be through experience.

I can’t accept the way I’m made ... you know like a baby

who just received the breath of life ... an inheritance of endearment.


As we grow up we can’t see ... that we are un-experiencing God

and the older that we get ... the more we un-reason Him.

Does that make sense at all ... through faith we’ve long forgotten

and as we loose awareness ... for our eye-sight is getting dim.


Spirit, Who are You ... how are You composed?

How do You reason ... if my mind is somewhere else?

Am I alive or a coma ... for there is no in-between

and if You’re well on me ... do I become someone else?


Communion with God resides in You ... here is where life is whole.

No bits or pieces of the pie ... where the walk is with God's word.

Conscience and consciousness ... is set in every chamber

where the Holy Spirit visits ... and His Inter-session is heard.


Here is where the voice lives ... of our intuition.

Here is where He softly speaks ... to get the attention of the mind.

The will and the emotions ... may also participate

and also have power ... to reject any find.


The soul is quite a mixture ... that is where the Fall began.

Here is where battles are fought ... and who has dominion.

The onslaught here is deadly ... and few the words describe

that misery and pain in man ... are more than an opinion.


The emotion on the rampage does more harm than good.

If love is an emotion ... isn’t than also hate?

Excitement and joy ... are walking there together

but also grief and despair ... are waiting for a date.


My search resides in the soul ... and always forces out

what it wants no part off ... in it search to comprehend

and the harder that it forces ... the closer to the center

it will dominate a man ... as the master of the tent.


My mind is another story ... it rises above myself.

It sees itself as an intricate part of an intelligent civilization.

Here is where the Fall began ... when Eve began to reason

and made a choice sensible to her ... the first in degradation.


Oh, soul! You are the flesh ... there is no denying.

The way I act and reason ... is portrayed in you.

It seems that my body ... is culprit number one

and is just a hull ... where you do the things you do.


Unless you are restored ... the outer shell is neglected.

It will fall much faster ... then the soul will admit.

That is where denying lives ... to die the death of a boozer

or a sniffer of “coke” ... as in athletics at times it fits?


The Word of God became ... as Christ took upon Himself

a body of flesh and blood ... just like yours and mine.

So He died and sacrificed ... Himself for us in wholeness

and will He wear this garb ... throughout eternal time?


Even in our thoughts ... we see this expressed

and also in our spirit ... is this addressed.

Somewhere in our lifetime He leads us into rest

in such showing our being He always gives His best.


Jan Wienen


This poem is about: 
My community


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