Because it happens..
Everything happens for a reason, and those who question it, are never satisfied with their answer. So they say.. We search for the truth of something when that something is meaningless like nothing. They look for adventure to get anything out of everything. Why is it that humans always need a answer to every problem they encounter? Why do I need a reason to live when I can be like the others? Why am I writing questions to this poem when its not of form of poetry? They say everything happens for a reason, but what if that reason is bad? A cat goes missing. That's a bad reason. Getting a flat tire while driving home at 12:00 in the morning. That's a really bad reason. A close family member commits suicide. That's a horrible reason. But they are stubborn so they say everthing happens for a reason. A challenge maybe? Was 9/11 a reason? If so, what reason is there for thousands of deaths. Are wars reasons for something? I don't remeber wanting to live in a world of horror. Is there are reason to believe in the church? When I seen the Devil more the God. Could you still say everything happens for a reason? They bow their heads. One comes forth and says "Because it happens.."