king of the sea
Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever let your mind wander
About me?
Or do you shut it down?
Pretend that it never happened?
Like I never existed?
Because I think about you
I let my mind wander
I guess that makes me weak
And I try to shut it down
I try to pretend that none of it ever happened
That you never existed
But I can’t
I thought you were so special
I put you on a pedestal
I gave you a crown and a throne and called you my ruler
And all you did was look down on me
And call me a peasant
I compared you to the ocean
The deep blue salty sea
And all you did was call me shore
The part of the shore that is taunted by the waves lapping at the shoreline
The part of the shore
That never sees the ocean
The type people hate to walk across
Because it burns the bottom of their feet
People visit the ocean
They don’t visit the sand
They play with it
Making it whatever they want it to be
And when they’re done
They demolish it
Just like you did to me