
Psalm 39:5 

Look, you make my days short-lived,
and my life span is nothing from your perspective.
Surely all people, even those who seem secure, are nothing but vapor.




Dripping wet on a summer day in search of water

Blinded by the sun and heat, I travel a turtle speed

All desire has disappeared except the one call for survival

It is strange that little else matters as I only feel my need


What happened to the daydreams that strayed from wants and wishes?

What happened to the greed and envy that always laid at the door?

Where is now lust and striving for what is not mine?

Amazing that survival instinct now hangs on to the core


It was not too long ago that I was not myself

Whoever then I seemed to be is different from the “now” perspective

Maybe for better or worse this experience quietly exposes

The great confusion deep within where I ought to be selective


Jan Wienen

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