His Choice


United States
33° 45' 14.3892" N, 84° 24' 43.2504" W

He chose her over me
I will not go on a crying spree
I will not shed a tear
Oh no my dear!
Why give a man what we does not need
To do such a thing would cause him greed!
To make him know that i want him still
Hell no he will not have that thrill.
I gave him my heart
But he blew away like a simple fart.
Oh that was just a little joke,
I needed to laugh instead of choke.
Choke on these tears of pain,
Oh God not a-gain.
He did this last time,
All I did was bore him and whine.
Nag and push him away he said,
Into another woman’s bed.
So he can now stay there,
With that whore.
Oh sorry for that harsh term
But when will that twit ever learn.
He want you after me,
Sorry to vent on here you see
I am bitter because i know her
Yes she was like my heart, my core
My sister, I loved my dear old friend
But now our past has come to an end.
The day she said I am better than you,
Damn I just wanted to hit her in the head with my shoe
“He is doing this to hurt us” I spoke
I wanted to just punch her in the throat.
But as a dummy she just said,
“Don’t be jealous, cause I’m better in bed!”
But little did she know he has not had my goods,
Naw he was not worthy to enter this neck of the woods.
Poor child I thought we only cuddled
Like a bear during the winter in his huddle.
She gave him herself with all her pride,
When she finds out the truth she’ll probably hide.
Run from the truth,
Not be a virtous woman like Ruth.
Not be like the women we were taught about,
No this heffa is gonna run and pout.
Well I am sorry to say she can have him,
With all this stress I need to be in the gym.
Working out my problems in a good way,
No point in my trying to stay.
Well bye to him and her,
He might have had a STD, she should be tested to make sure.
Poor girl,
Just the thought of my friend and man sexing makes me wanna hurl.
Well goodbye haters,
I’m on with my life hope I don’t see you guys later.


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